A Successful Security Strategy Is All About Relationships. Here’s How to Build Them.
Security efforts are not limited to security teams. High impact strategies need to engage everyone from employees to the board of execs, DevOps teams and IT. Learn how how to become not just an effective partner but a trusted advisor across an organization.
Your Legacy Phishing Solution Isn’t Enough to Protect Your Organization
CISO Josh Yavor explains why legacy phishing solutions aren't effective in preventing successful attacks, and what you can do about it.
9 Things I’ve Learned Writing Phishing Emails
Ethical hacker, Craig Hays, explains why copywriting, timing, and context are all essential "ingredients" in crafting a phishing attack.
Employee Burnout Will Probably Cause Your Next Data Breach
Understanding how stress impacts cybersecurity behaviors could significantly reduce the chances of people’s mistakes compromising company’s security.
Stateful Machine Learning is Our Best (And Only) Bet
Traditional machine learning methods that are used to detect threats at the machine layer aren’t equipped to account for the complexities of human relationships and behaviors across businesses over time. There is no concept of “state” — the additional variable that makes human-layer security problems so complex.
How Easy Is It to Phish?
You don't have to be tech savvy to become a "hacker". This blog outlines how to create a phishing campaign, and was designed to help security leaders protect their organizations.

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Season 1, Episode 10

March 4th, 2021

Building a security culture, and getting employees to care about security, is not easy. So, this week, Tessian’s CEO Tim Sadler meets the very inspiring Ray Espinoza, CISO at Cobalt – the Pentest-as-a-Service platform that is modernizing the traditional, static penetration testing model – to explain how you can build your security “tribe”.

Ray discusses how to create a security culture built on trust and with humans at the heart. He provides actionable advice on how to  have open conversations with your stakeholders and employees, asking them whether they understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Because, he says, their buy-in is critical to the delivery of your security strategy.